“Change”. “Progress”. Two different words often used interchangeably. All progress is change, but not all change is progress. Change can be bad or good, driven by people, nature or the elements. It can be organic or inorganic. Consider that major…
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Pro Human Tech & Taking Back Control – Part 2
Change: It happens all the time both inside and out. If we’re lucky, it happens when we’re ready. Since the dawn of earthly life, we’ve had to change many times to get where we are as a species. Early sea…
Pro Human Tech & Taking Back Control – Part 1
In 2018 the nicest compliment you can give a tech startup or product is to call it “innovative” or even better, “disruptive”. These are the ones getting the most press, biggest investments and if they’re lucky, biggest acquisitions. “Innovative” means…
Chaos, Contradiction and A Forward Vision
I love technology. It gives us the ability to work from anywhere if we choose to. It puts the entire available history of knowledge at our fingertips. It makes it possible to do almost everything wirelessly. Wires suck. It solved…